Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Well... holy crap

I procrastinated my English paper (as I usually did in high school) because I can never really seem to focus until the twelve hours before the class its due. So I finished my draft about 3:05 am and was fanatically looking for someone to use their printer. Luckily, there are some people on my floor who have some insomnia issues and I managed to use someones printer. When I say printer I mean half broken piece of crap that can't handle trying to understand printing more than one page at a time let alone having the ability to only have one piece of paper in it at any given time. After this printing fiasco I realize I still need to staple the pages together. Another insomniac's roommate owns a stapler. So I was able to go into his room while the roommate was sleeping and find the stapler. The thing is, I can't see in the dark, so I was blindly reaching around for it. Finally I get frustrated because I want to go to sleep, so I whisper very quietly, "Hey, wake up man." Surprisingly, because the noise of me rummaging through his desk was much louder than my voice, he bolts up, but acts nonchalantly. "Sup?" It pretty much threw me across the room. He showed me where it is, and I finally went to sleep. Mission accomplished... or so I thought.

I hadn't thought that I might not wake up to my alarm in the morning, partially because in high school if i ever missed it my mom would get me up in time. Well momma ain't here. Evidently I had woken up by my alarm, walked across the room, turned it off, and smacked it before going back to bed. Bad move. I shot out of bed at exactly 10:30 (weird) staring at the clock screaming "oh s*** oh s***" in my mind. Now that i think about it, I don't know why the first thing that i thought I had to do was shower. Regardless I managed a 5 minute shower, dressed, threw my books in my backpack, and raced to my bike. I must have averaged at least 16 mph even uphill to get to English class. My hair was wet until the end of the ride, and my hair was sticking up. Fast-walking to the room, I straighten my hair (ish) and pause at the door. Panting, I walk in, notice everyone noticing me, and that ended my adventure.

Moral of this story: if theres a paper due, set both alarms to wake up in time.

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