Thursday, September 18, 2008

CHEM -999

My chemistry class, specially designed for engineers, is completely useless. Allegedly we've gone over 3 chapters of material, but all I remember is watching my professor attempt to cut open a full plastic container of lotion, play with glue, and wear Hawaiian shirts.

He's talked about the following for an entire lecture each:
what we should learn from chapter 1 in the book
solving one chemistry problem
light bulbs
elements in the Universe - almost interesting
what we should learn from chapter 2 in the book
gloop (glue + water + borax)
what we should learn from chapter 3 in the book

I must say I only go to the lectures because I still hope there will be something useful there. As far as the discussions go, one was talking about how CHEM 135 is for engineers and the other was us sitting there twiddling our thumbs. My notes in this class consist of a drawing of a robotic spider with guns. The homework takes 30 minutes to do and you just look in the book for the answers.

I was really hoping that chemistry would be interesting like it was in high school, but all I find myself doing are crosswords and sudokus. Chemistry with Tossell is honestly a joke.

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