Thursday, October 2, 2008


I'm really starting to get out of this blogging habit. Which sucks (for my grade). But I really don't know what to write about anymore. Yes, I can write about my life, or a story, or whatever, but after doing this blog for such long I just don't want to write anything anymore. It's like doing something, enjoying it for a while, then moving on. I'm pretty sure that I won't be able to keep up with this for the whole semester, especially since half the time I just look at the other blogs and don't write anything. I don't have really any 'free time' to just sit and type to my hearts content (and my heart isn't content if I have to type all this) until Thursday and Friday, so it's like 3 consecutive days of nothing then 4 days straight of a blog (if I do it). I keep my blog page open as a reminder to write something, and I click on the tab and glance through, but the phrase "oh, I'll write something later" always pops into my head. Writing so much takes all my creativity away from my head.

By the way, did Corbin say that we had a blog assignment? Because I keep checking hers and not seeing anything and I need to be sure I'm not missing any(more) work.

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